Information - Information Sites and Forums (with ELR content)
     f   = Facebook links (currently, or semi-currently, maintained sites only)

Information Sites
   4AW (Australia; the folks with the “MarkandSam AfterWork” YouTube channel)
   AmmoGuide (cartridge info for free + load data and an online cartridge design application for fee/subscription)
   AmmoSeek (pricing search engine for ammo, ammo components, and reloading gear - use the misc option and then search)
   ArmsVault (glossary, acronyms)
   Association of Spanish Cartridge Collectors/AECC (an extensive collection of data on cartridges worldwide, including several US ELR wildcats; English selector upper right; click the datebase icon, upper left white block)
   Cartridge collector associations listing, international
   European Cartridge Research Association (E.C.R.A.)
   Find Shooting Ranges (
   International Ammunition Association (Cartridge Collector’s Glossary)  f
   JBM Ballistics/Bibliography (interior and exterior ballistics)
   Military Factory (small arms, sniper rifles)
   MOA calulator (enter distance, diameter of target, and hit enter while in the convert field)
   pat2pdf (FREE patent searches - donate!)
   Safety First Tactical  f
   WikiArms (ammo and ammo components pricing search engine)
Forums/Blogs/FB Groups (with continuing or occasional ELR content) + Marketplaces
   Accurate Shooter - Big Stuff
   Accurate Shooter - ...ELR
   Accurate Shooter - Marketplace
   Calguns - main
   Calguns - centerfire rifles, manually operated
   Calguns - long range shooting
   Calguns - marketplace
   E.L.R. (private/closed group)  f  
   ELR Extreme Long Range Shooters (private/closed group)  f
   Extreme Long Range Shooters (ELRS) (private/closed group)  f  
   Extreme Long Range Shooting Organization (ELRSO) (public group)  f  
   Long Range Hunting/LRH - main
   Long Range Hunting/LRH - ELR
   Long Range Hunting/LRH - classifieds
   Sniper’s Hide - main  f
   Sniper’s Hide - ELR
   Sniper’s Hide - Post Exchange
               ELR Resources