Products - Miscellaneous
     f   = Facebook links (currently, or semi-currently, maintained sites only)

Chamber Reamers (and gauges)
   4D Reamer Rentals  f
   Dave Manson  f
   JGS Precision  f
   Pacific Tool and Gauge/PTG (Dave Kiff)
   Triebel (Germany) - they sell internationally  f

Fasteners and Material Suppliers
   Fasteners - Fastenal, Fastener Warehouse, McMaster-Carr
   Metals - BuyMetal (PA), Cut2SizeMetals (IN), Earle M. Jorgensen Co/EMJ (US-wide),  
Fry Steel (CA), MetalsDepot (KY), Midwest Steel & Aluminum (MN), OnlineMetals (multi)
   Plastics - Professional Plastics, U.S. Plastic
   Rubber - Zoro

Other Miscellaneous    
   21st Century Innovation (barrel vises - thru 1 5/8, thru 2”)  f
   AAA Arms & Ammo (cleaning gear for .50 BMG rifles, including Delrin bore guides for most commercially-available, bolt action, .50 BMG-class receivers)
   AimSHOT (boresights for .338 LM/NM and .50 BMG) (single cartridges for collectors)
   Athlon Optics - Rangecraft Velocity Pro Radar Chronograph (radar chrono)  f
   Ballistic-X (group size calculator app running on Apple or Android cell phones)
   Bob Sled (Bob Hahin’s single-shot loading block for .338 LM CIP/AICS-mag rifles; Brownells link, nothing on mfg’s site)
   Bore Tech (cleaning rods thru .50 cal and associated gear)  f
   Brownells (analog torque wrench, accuracy ukn)  f
   Bulletseeker - see Speedtracker
   Caldwell - VelociRadar (radar chrono)  f
   Dewey (cleaning rods thru .50 cal and associated gear)
   Erik Cortina/EC barrel tuners and tuner brakes
   Fix It Sticks (torque limiters and torque drivers for mounting scopes and other component-assembly needs (+/- 6% accuracy for limiters and +/- 10 % accuracy for drivers) - note that the drivers are quite large, so check that you have clearance for your application or get a bit extension)  f
   Garmin - Xero C1 Pro (very small radar chrono)  f
   Geoffrey-Kolbe (free online calculators - internal ballistics simulator, drag curves, plus)
   Hawkeye/Gradient Lens Corp (borescopes)  f
   JBM (ballistic coefficient calculator/velocity)
   JKL Precision (trigger for LabRadar)
   Kinetic Security Solutions (Adaptive Tuning System/ATS - tuner between barrel & brake)
   LabRadar (“ballistic velocity radar” chrono - “old” large and new very small)  f
   Lyman (borescope) and (torque wrench/driver)  f
   MagnetoSpeed/a Kestrel company (barrel-mounted chrono)  f
   MTM (shooting range box)  f
   Oehler Research (Model 35 Proof Chronograph; System 88; System 89 BC Chrono)
   OnTarget Shooting (group size calc and analysis software; Windows and Mac, Mac in a Windows virtual machine; for-fee with 15-day free trial)
   PMA -  barrel vise (up to 1.500” barrels) and screw-on (5/8-24) barrel tuner  f
   Poly Gun Bag (vapor corrosion inhibitor/VCI storage & shipping bags for rifles up to 60+”)
   Possum Hollow (bore guides - model chart (not current), call for possible customs - call 260-377-9715 or e-mail Eric at eric at
   Scopecoat (fabric scope covers - lengths available allowing you to leave your sunshade in place)  f
   Speedtracker (was Bulletseeker) (very small, rife-mounted, radar chrono, displays on Android or Apple phone)
   Sqi-AndiX (Czech Republic, AndiScan - very small, rifle-mounted, ballistic velocity Doppler radar chrono, they sell worldwide)    
   Teslong (borescopes - excellent products, well priced)  f
   Tipton (carbon fiber cleaning rods)  f
   Viper Bench Rest (barrel vise, max 1.375” barrels)
   Warner Tool (barrel tuner - fits between barrel and brake)  f
   West Texas Ordnance (“SwitchLug” barrel retention/swapping interface)  f
   Wheeler Engineering (torque wrenches - digital FAT Wrench, newer analog FAT Wrench, and the FAT Wrench AutoTorque (powered); accuracy varies by model and in/lb value)  f

Ranging and Target Solution Aids (green = FREE; may require registration)
   Accuracy 1st Development Group - scope levels  f
   Alpen Optics - BLRF  f
   Arisaka Defense - scope leveler  f
   Athlon Optics - rangefinders (1760 yds, max)  f
   Astra Optix - rangefinders and BLRFs (2400 yards, max)  f
   ATN - rangefinders and BLRFs (3000 yds, max)  f  
   Ballistic - ballistic calculator software, iOS (4000 yds max using the JBM engine)  f
   Burris/Eliminator - LRFs, BLRFs, and scopes w/ integrated LRF (2400 yds, max)  f
   Bushnell - BLRF and LRFs (1800 yds, max)  f
   Defensive Edge (scope leveling kit)  f
   Desert Tech/TRASOL Trajectory Solutions App, iOS (5000 yds, max)
   Distance Measure Pro (iPhone/iPad app, uses Internet map, unlimited)
   Element Optics - rangefinders (3000m, max)  f
   Federal Premium/Federal App - mobile ballistic calculator app for Federal ammo, Android and iOS (scroll down)  f
   Ferrell Industries - scope level
   Fix It Sticks (“scope jack” for scope leveling)  f
   Flatline Ops - scope levels (ACCU/LEVEL  f
   German Precision Optics/GPO-USA - BLRFs and dedicated rangefinders (3000 yds +)  f
   Halo Optics - rangefinders (2000 yds, max)  f
   Hawke Sport Optics - BLRF (2300m, max)  f
   Holland’s - scope levels
   Hornady - online ballistic calculators -standard” and 4DOF  plus a Kestrel 5700 version with integrated 4DOF (3828 yds, max)  f
   Horus Vision - rangefinder (2000 yds, max), weather meter, and ballistic app (iOS  and Android)  f
   IEA Mil-Optics (Germany, in German) - ballistic computer  f
   Infrared Research & Development/IR&D (Belgium) - ballistic computers
   iSnipe - ballistic calculator software for iOS (2000 yds, max)
   JBM Ballistics - online trajectory calculator, trajectory (drift) calculator + (4000 yds, max)    Kahles - rangefinder and BLRFs (3600 yds, max)  f
   Kestrel Ballistics - weather meters (incl models w/ integrated Applied Ballistics software)  f
   Knight’s Armament/BulletFlight - iOS ballistic software (3000 m, max)
   Lapua - Lapua Ballistics, iOS and Android app (1640 yds, max)  f
   LARS (Slovakia) - digital scope level - they ship to the US  f    
   Laser Technology - rangefinders (2500 m, max)  f
   Leica - BLRFs and dedicated rangefinders (3000 yds, max)  f
   Leupold - BLRFs and dedicated rangefinders (2800 yds, max)  f
   Long Range Arms/LRA/an MDT company - Send iT electronic level   f
   Long Range Shooting Simulation
   Luna Optics - LRF (2400 yds, max)  f
   Maven - rangefinders (4500 yds, max)  f
   Minox - BLRF (2800m, max)  f
   Modern Ballistics/MBall - Windows shareware ballistic calculator (+) (unlimited max)
   Newcon Optik (Canada) - rangefinders, BLRFs, & spotting scopes w/ rangefinder (12 km, max)
   Nikon - rangefinders and BLRF (2000 yds, max)  f
   NOBLEX (Germany) - BLRF (2300 m, max)  f
   Oehler/Ballistic Explorer - ballistic calculator software for Windows PC (2500 m, max)
   Patagonia Ballistics/ColdBore - Windows PC software thru Win 11, which is not at all apparent from their website (3000 m, max)
   PRODAS - ballistic calculator software +++, Windows (unlimited, max - assumed)
   Revic Optics (a Gunwerks company) - rangefinder and BLRF (5000 yd, max)  f
   Rianov (also see Precision Targeting)- cant/slope indicator and ballistic computers (max range input/calc 2000 m)
   RIEGL - rangefinders (3000m, max)  f
   Rudolph Optics - rangefinders (1200 m, max)  f
   Safran/Vectronix and Vectronix Shooting Solutions - rangefinders and BLRFs (25 km, max)
   Shooter - ballistic calculator, iOS and Android (max range input/calc ukn) - online trajectory calculator (unlimited, max) +
   Shooters Global (Poland) - digital scope level/cant indicator; they ship worldwide  f
   Sierra Bullets - “Infinity” exterior ballistics software on Windows PC (max range input/calc ukn)  f
   SIG Electro-Optics - rangefinders and BLRF (up to 10000 yards, max)  f
   Sniper Tool Design Co. - angle cosine and angle degree indicators  f
   Steiner - BLRF, look for “LRF” in the product name (6000m+, max)  f
   Steiner Defense - BLRF (hunting and military models, 6000m+, max)  f
   Strelok (Strelokand Strelok Pro) - ballistic calculators for Android and Apple
   Swarovski - BLRF and scopes with rangefinder (1500 yds, max)  f
   Torrey Pines Logic - VENOM rangefinder w/ wind measurement, ballistic computer, sensors (2000m); “VENOM Ballistic Solver”, Windows and Android (max range input/calc ukn)
   Vortex - BLRFs and rangefinders (5000 yds, max)  f
   Vortex - ballistics calculator (LRBC, 2000 yds, max)  f
   Wheeler -Reti-Level” scope leveler  f
   Wilcox - rangefinders (3000m, max)  f
   Zeiss - BLRF (2500 m, max)  f

Rifle Cases and Associated (hard cases only)
   ELR Rifle Cases: Comparative Matrix (as of 12 Dec 2024) - see “Notes” for the criteria for inclusion.
        NOTE: This file is in xls format. A FREE reader is available here. The contents were compiled from manufacturers’ websites and, if supplied, responses to my phone or e-mail inquiries.
   Boyd Harness  f
   Bushnell (private labeled by Eylar)  f
   Cabela’s  f  
   Condition 1  f
   Eylar  f
   Explorer Cases (Italy) - US dealer here  f
   Foam Factory (case foam and custom foam cutting)  f
   Foam N’ More (case foam)  f (case foam)  f
   Harbor Freight (private labeled by Eylar)
   Kalispel (also custom)  f
   KOR Technik (case insert, “universal” fit using air bladder)
   Lakewood Products  f
   Magpul (case and DAKA grid organizer)  f
   MyCaseBuilder (cases, case foam, and custom foam cutting)  f
   NANUK (Canada)  f
   Pelican (including Storm and Hardigg cases; RESETTM “peg grid system” (Q2/25), and “Design Your Own Foam” service)  f
   Plano  f
   SKB Cases  f
   TZ Case

Shooting Rests (not benches; not bipods - see Rifle Components for Bipods)
   21st Century Innovation  f
   4AW (Australia) - they ship to the US
   Caldwell  f
   Lenzi (Italy, US reseller link)
   Protektor (rests and rest bags)
   Ransom International  f
   Rodzilla  f
   SEB Engineering (Indonesia, US reseller list here  f
   Sinclair/Brownells  f

Spotting Scopes and Tripods*
   Alpen Optics - scopes only  f
   Athlon Optics - scopes and tripods  f
   Burris - scopes only  f
   Bushnell - scopes only  f
   Celestron - scopes only  f
   German Precision Optics/GPO-USA - scopes only  f
   Gitzo (Italy) - tripods only  f
   Hawke Sport Optics - scopes only, scroll down  f
   Kowa - scopes only, plus High Lander super binos  f
   Leica (Germany) - scopes only  f
   Leupold - scopes and tripods  f
   Manfrotto (Italy) - tripods only  f
   Maven - scopes only  f
   Meopta - scopes only  f
   Minox (Germany) - scopes only  f
   Newcon Optik - scopes, scopes with an LRF, and tripod
   Nightforce - scope only  f
   Nikon (Japan) - scopes and tripod  f
   NOBLEX (Germany) - scopes only  f
   Opticron - scopes  f
   Revic Optics (a Gunwerks company) - scope and tripod   f
   Ricoh/Pentax (Japan) scopes only  f
   Riton Optics - scope only  f
   SIG Electro-Optics - scopes only  f
   Sightron - scope and tripod  f  
   Swarovski (Austria) - scopes and tripods  f
   Tract Optics - scopes and tripods  f  
   Vanguard (Myanmar) - scopes and tripods  f  
   Vortex - scopes and tripods  f  
   Zeiss (Germany) - scopes and tripods  f
   ZeroTech Precision Optics (Australia) - scopes only  f
    * only tripods sufficient to support the associated spotting scope are linked

Target Impact Viewing Systems (for distances beyond 1000 yards)
   Bullseye Camera Systems (“1 Mile +”)  f
   Caldwell (camera system - up to 1 mile; also an inexpensive flasher)  f
   Hornady (up to 1000 yards, weather dependent - a 2024 product; video)  f
   LightReact (1 mile +)
   Longshot Target Camera/TargetVision (2 miles)  f
   MagnetoSpeed/a Kestrel company (T1000)  f
   Oakwood Controls (Portable Systems)
   ShotMarker (Canada, ships to the US; “over 2 miles”)

   Action Target (steel)*  f
   American Target Company (paper)
   IBS (1000 yard, paper - Pistoleer, National Target Company/NTC)
    LV Steel Targets (steel)*
   NEVCO (steel)*
   Rogue Shooting Targets (steel)*
   Shooting Targets USA (steel)*  f
   ShootSteel (steel)*  f
   TA Targets (steel)*  f
   * Note that you do NOT need 1/2” thick or thicker AR500 steel for .50 BMG IF you place them at ELR distances, 1000 yards and beyond - 3/8” AR500 works fine


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