Products - Rifle Components
Actions/Receivers (supporting 338 LM and larger ELR-class cartridges)

   Cartridge Capability Legend:
       (1) .338 LM bolt face
       (2) CheyTac bolt face
       (3) .50 BMG bolt face

   Receiver Matrixes (15 Feb 2025) - based on bolt face; side-by-side, comparative; tabs for 338 LM, 408 CT, and 50 BMG; changes since last update in light green.
       NOTE:  This file is in xls format.  A FREE reader is available here. The contents were compiled from manufacturers’ websites and, if supplied, responses to my e-mail inquiries.

   Type Legend: Repeater, Repeater or Single Shot, Single Shot Only

     f   = Facebook links (currently, or semi-currently, maintained sites only)

   AccuGun (South Africa)(Mojet 3.0, Mojet 4.0) - US distribution unknown [1,2,3]  f
   Allen Precision Shooting (Raptor) [1]  f
   American Rifle Company (Coup De Grace, Coup de Grace Lightweight) [1]
   Barnard Precision (New Zealand)(PL, PLM, P-Chey, GP) [1,2,3] - this listing is a “info only”. Barnard as a company is gone. The new venture, different crew, is Tri-May Precision with an action based on the Barnard design. Terrible shame since Barnard built an excellent product.
   BAT Machine (CT, EX, EXS, Igniter LA, HR, L (discontinued), M, Vesper, XL) [1,2,3]  f
   Borden Accuracy (Bigfoot) [1]  f
   Cadex Defence (Canada) (CDX-33, CDX-40/SHDW, CDX-50/TREMOR, CDX-R7, CDX-X60)- they import into the US [1,2,3]  f
   Curtis Custom (Valor Hunter, Valor Long) [1]  f
   Defiance Machine (AnTi X, Deviant, Rebel 3 Position, Renegade, Ruckus)[1]  f
   East Ridge Gun Company/State Arms [3]
   Granite Mountain Arms/GMA (African Magnum) [1,2]
   Kelbly’s (.338 LM Panda, Long Atlas 338, Nanook, Prometheus) [1]  f
   K.S. Arms Ltd (Canada) (KSLR, LAR 3-Lug, Wolverine 2-Lug) [1,2]  f
   Lone Peak Arms (FUZION 338, FUZION Ti 338, RAZOR-Ti 338) [1]  f
   Magnum Arms/SABI Rifles (South Africa) (Classic, Long Range, Long Range Hunter) - US distribution unknown [1,2]  f  
   McMillan Firearms (TAC-338, TAC-50, call) [1,3]  f
   Pierce Engineering (10X, 20X, Steel, Titanium) [1,2,3]  f
   Prechtl (Germany)(GS04 EL, GS04 ML) - US distribution unknown [1]  f
   Savage (reseller link, call) [1]
   Status Guns & Engineering (New Zealand) - US distribution unknown [3]
   Stiller (TAC 338, TAC DRIVER/TAC 408) [1,2]  f
   Surgeon (1581 XL, repeater version may still be available, call) [1]  f
   Terminus Actions (Kratos, Kratos Lite, Kratos X, Titan, Zeus) [1,2]  f
   Tuebor Precision (call re 338 LM bolt face model) [1]  f  

Barrels (unless noted, each offers all popular ELR calibers; BR = button rifled, CFW = carbon fiber wrapped, CM = chrome moly, CR = cut rifled, and SS = stainless steel; for CFW you’ll need to confirm they are available in your desired caliber)
   Bartlein (CR, CM or SS or SS-core CFW, gain twist options, thru .50 cal, except only .338 in CFW)  f
   Benchmark (BR or CR, CM or SS or SS-core CFW, max .375 in CFW, no .50)  f
   Berger - Twist Rate Stability Calculator
   Blake Barrel and Rifle (CR, CM or SS or SS-core CFW, .338 only)  f
   Brux (CR, CM or SS, no .408 or .416)  f
   BSF Barrels (BR, SS-core CFW, .338 only)  f
   CarbonSix (BR, SS-core CFW, no .408 or .416)  f  
   Feddersen/RFour (BR, CM or SS, only .338, .375, .510; no info on his website, call)
   Hardy Rifle Engineering (NZ, BR, SS or SS-core CFW, only .338) - US distribution unk   f
   Hart (BR, CM or SS, none listed above .375)  f
   Helix 6 Precision (BR or CR, SS-core CFW, only .338 and .375)  f
   Hells Canyon Armory (BR or CR, SS-core CFW, only .338)
   H-S Precision (CR, SS, only .338)  f
   Hugh Williamson Precision/HWP (Canada; BR, SS, only .338 - twists too slow above .338, possibly imported, call)
   International Barrels Inc/IBI (Canada; BR, SS or SS-core CFW, only .338) - they will ship to the US  f      
   K&P Gun Co. (CR, CM or SS)  f
   Krieger (CR, CM or SS)  f
   K.S. Arms Ltd (Canada) (CR, CM or SS, up to 2.0” straight cylinder x 40” finished)  f
   Lilja (BR, CM or SS)
   Lothar Walther (US) (BR, CM or SS)  f
   McGowen (BR, CM or SS)
   MullerWorks (BR or CR, SS, only .338 in BR, only .338 and .375 in CR)
   PAC-NOR (BR, CM or SS; barrel weight calculator)
   Phoenix Barrel Co (was Sassen Engineering/Border Barrels) (UK; BR or CR, CM or SS; .338 & .50 only in BR; all in CR) - US distribution unknown  f
   Proof Research (CR, SS or SS-core CFW; only .338 and .375)  f
   Rock Creek (CR, SS)   f
   Schneider (BR, SS, no .408)
   Shilen (BR, SS, no .408 or .50)  f
   TacomHQ (“structured barrels” - they add “structure” to barrels, they do not produce or sell barrels)  f
   Total Solutions Engineering/TSE (Australia; BR, CM or SS; no .408) - US distribution unknown
   True-Flite (New Zealand; BR, SS; only in .338, .375, and .510) - US distribution unknown  f
   X-Caliber Barrels & Mfg (CM or SS or SS-core CFW, no .408 or .50)

Barrel Stress Relieving
   300 Below  f

   Accuracy Solutions (BipodeXt - a bipod extension)  f
   Accu-Tac  f
   American Precision Arms (APA)
   B&T Industries (Atlas)  f
   Boscabel (Australia) - they ship to the US  f
   Cadex Defence (Canada)  f
   Caldwell  f
   David Tubb Accuracy and Precision Gun Parts   f
   Elite Iron (Revolution)  f
   Evolution  f
   Fortmeier (Germany; more info here)
   Fusion Pro Shooting Systems
   GRS (Norway) - contact for US distribution  f
   Harris (reseller link - they have no “factory” site)   f
   KMW (Pod-Lok for Harris bipods)
   LARS (Slovakia) - they ship to the US  f
   Leapers/UTG  f
   Long Range Accuracy/LRA  f
   Magpul   f
   MDT (Canada) - they ship to the US  f
   Phoenix Precision
   Rottigni Officina MEccanica Srl/ROME (Italy) - they sell direct
   Rugged Ridge Outdoor Gear (Extreme Pod)  f
   SEB Engineering (Indonesia, Joypod) - US reseller list here  f
   Sierra 7/S7
   Spartan Precision Equipment (UK) - will export to the US  f
   Swagger  f
   Thunder Beast/TBAC  f
   Tier-One (UK) - will export to the US  f
   Valdada  f
   VOERE Präzisionstechnik GmbH (Austria) - order direct  f
   Warne   f

Detachable Bottom Metal (DBM) and Magazines (also see the associated action and stock/chassis system/rifle suppliers for their product-specific offerings)

       (1) 338 LM (S = standard external length/3.65”, C = CIP external length/3.85”)
       (3) 375 and 408 CT
       (4) 416 Barrett (50 BMG product may be OK, ask supplier)
       (5) 50 BMG
       (6) One or more other listed on Cartridges page

   Accuracy International/AICS (mags only) [1 S, 1 C (3), 5 (2)]  f
   Accurate-Mag (DBM and mags) [1 S, 1 C, 1 PSR]  f
   Atlasworxs (Australia, DBM only) [1 S, 1 C] - they ship to the US  f
   Cadex Defence (Canada) (DBM and mags) [1 S, 1 C, 3, 5]  f
   Hawkins Precision (DBM only) [1 C]  f
   JARD (DBM and mags) [1 C]  f
   LARS (Slovakia) (DBM only) [1 C] - they ship to the US  f
   MDT (Canada, DBMs and mags) [1 C and 4.05] - they ship to the US  f
   Wyatt’s Outdoor (DBM and mags) [1 S]
   XLR (mags only) [1 C]  f
Muzzle Brakes and Recoil Reduction Devices (unless noted, each offers all popular ELR calibers; “call” indicates undefined or a question regarding “best match” for the desired cartridge)
   4AW (Australia) - they ship to the US
   Advanced Armament Corp/AAC (.338)  f
   Alberta Tactical Rifle Supply/ATRS (Canada, .338)  f
   Allen Precision Shooting (Painkiller)  f
   American Precision Arms (APA/Fat B)
   Area 419 (.338)  f
   Armalite (.416/.50 cal only, appears no longer available direct, call or see McCutchen, below)
   Audere (San Marino) - US dealer locator here  f
   Benchmark Barrels (.338)  f
   C & H Research (mercury recoil suppressors - installed in buttstock)
   Cadex (Canada)  f
   Christensen Arms (.338)  f  
   Desert Tech (.338, ,375, and .50)
   East Ridge Gun Co/State Arms (call regarding smaller than .50)
   Elite Iron (.338)  f
   Eric Cortina/Cortina Precision (tuner brake, .338 and .375)  f
   Grizzly Gunworks
   Gun Warrior (South Africa, brakes and tuner brakes) - they ship worldwide  f
   Harrell’s Precision (up to .375)
   Heritage Arms
   Holland’s (.338)
   Insite Arms (.338)  f
   J E Custom (Assassin, .338 and .50)
   K&P Gun Co. (.50)  f
   Kahntrol Solutions (.338)  f
   Kelbly (.338)  f
   LARS (Slovakia) - they ship to the US  f
   MBE Ballistic Solutions (UK, .338, also tuner brakes) - they will ship to the US  f
   McCutchen Firearms (Armalite AR-50 “tank” brake, call)  f
   MDT (Canada, .338) - they ship to the US  f
   Mirage ULR (up to .408)  f
   Morr Accuracy (.338)  f
   Muzzle Brakes and More (up to .375)
   Near Manufacturing (Canada, .338 and .50, not on website, call) - they ship to the US
   Nord Arms (Estonia, .338) - they ship direct to the US
   Peterssen Gunworks/PGW (Germany, .338) - shipment to the US possible, e-mail them
   Piercision Rifles (“Muscle Brake” - max cal TBD, call)  f
   Precision Armament (up to .408)  f
   Roedale (Germany) (up to .408) - order direct
   Spearhead Machine (Canada, .338) - they ship to the US  f
   Straight Shot Gunsmithing (up to .408)
   Strike Without Warning (.338, also tuner brakes)  f
   Terminator Products (New Zealand) - US reseller here  f
   Tier-One (UK, .338) - will export to the US   f
   Unknown Munitions (.338)
   VOERE Präzisionstechnik GmbH (Austria) - order direct  f
   Warner Tool Co (max cal TBD, call)  f
   Waters Rifleman (Australia, up to .416) - order direct
   Windcut Bullets (Italy, “Windbrake” thru .458) - order direct  f
   Without Warning (.338)  f

Scope Bases and Rings (also see scope and action manufacturers)
   American Rifle Company
   Arken Optics  f  
   Audere (San Marino) - US dealer locator here  f
   Badger Ordnance  f
   Barrett  f
   BAT Machine  f
   BGN Armo (Ukraine)
   Burris  f
   Cadex  f
   Cold Shot/Heritage Arms (Minute of Angle Base/M.O.A.B. and Mil Radian Adjustment Base/M.R.A.B.)
   Defense Solutions LLC
   EAW (Germany, including 3D printed)  f
   EGW/Evolution Gun Works  f
   ERATAC (Germany) - only known US sources are Eurooptic and here  f
   F3R Machine
   GDI Precision  f
   Gray Ops  f
   Harrell’s Precision
   Innogun (Germany) - US distribution unknown  f
   iota  f
   Ivey Shooting
   Ken Farrell
   Leapers/UTG  f
   LaRue Tactical  f
   MAK (Germany)  - US distribution unknown
   MDT (Canada) - they ship to the US  f
   Murphy Precision
   Near Manufacturing (Canada) - they ship to the US
   Precision Hardcore Gear
   Precision Reflex  f
   Rottigni Officina MEccanica Srl/ROME (Italy) - they sell direct    
   Seekins Precision  f
   Spuhr (Sweden) (available in the US here)  f
   TACOMHQ (inclined base alternatives)  f
   Talley  f
   TIER-ONE (UK) - they ship to the US  f
   Trijicon  f
   Warne  f
   Warner Tool   f
   Waters Rifleman (Australia) - order direct
   Wheeler Tools  f
   Valdada  f

   Apex Optics (Canada)  f
   Alpen Optics (Alpen Optics and Vizen Optics brands)  f
   Arken Optics  f  (video review)
   Athlon Optics  f
   ATN  f
   Blackhound Optics  f
   Blaser  f
   Burris  f
   Bushnell  f
   Delta Optical (Poland) - US distribution shown here (scroll down)  f
   Element Optics  f
   EOTech  f
   Falke (Germany)  f
   Hawke Sport Optics  f
   Horus Vision  f
   IOR (Romania) - exclusive US importer/dealer (Valdada)  f
   Kahles (Austria)  f
   Kreativ Solutions (mirage caps/modifier disks for select scopes)
   Leapers/IXoptics  f
   Leica (Germany)  f
   Leupold  f
   MAK (Germany) - US distribution unknown  f
   March/DEON (Japan) - US distribution here  f
   Maven  f
   Meopta (Czech Republic) - multiple US resellers  f
   Meprolight (Isreal - part of SK Group)  f
   Minox (Germany)  f
   Newcon Optik (Canada)
   Nightforce  f
   NOBLEX (Germany)  f
   Revic Optics (a Gunwerks company)  f
   Riton Optics  f
   Schmidt & Bender (Germany)  f
   Sightron  f
   SIG Electro-Optics  f
   SNIPEX (Ukraine) - US distribution unknown [link retained in solidarity]
   Stealth Vision  f
   Steiner and Steiner Defense (Germany)  f
   Swarovski (Austria)  f
   Tangent Theta (Canada)  f
   Tract Optics  f
   Trijicon  f
   U. S. Optics  f
   Vixen Optics - see Alpen
   Vortex  f  
   Zeiss (Germany)  f
   Zero Compromise Optics/ZCO (Austria)  f
   ZeroTech Precision Optics (Australia)  f

Stocks/Chassis (and Recoil Pads/Reducers)
   Accuracy International (UK) (AICS reseller link, ZIP on the AI site)  f  
   Accuracy Solutions (F.A.S.T. Chassis)  f  
   Accurate-Mag  f
   Accurate Rifle Systems  f
   Advanced Shooting Analytics/ASA  f
   AG Composites  f
   American Rifle Co
   Archangel Manufacturing
   AS Rifle and Stock/Andrea Santacroce (Italy) - they only sell and ship direct  f
   Backfire (custom recoil pads)
   Baer Custom Rifles (call re their stocks)  f
   Bell and Carlson  f
   Berger’s Equipment
   Best Dxxx Gun LLC
   Boyds Gunstocks  f  
   Cadex Defence (Canada)  f  
   C&H Research (mercury recoil reducers)
   Cerus Rifleworks  f  
   Competition Machine/Eliseo  f
   Dima (Ukraine) - they ship to the US  f
   Doan Trevor  f
   Echelon Rifles  f  
   Form Rifle Stocks (UK) - US distribution unknown  f
   Forge Carbon  f
   Foundations Stocks  f
   Fusion Pro Shooting Systems
   GC Precision Development/GCPD (Australia) - US distribution unknown  f
   GRACO (recoil absorption devices)  f
   Grayboe  f
   GRS (Norway) - US distribution link  f
   Gunwerks  f
   Gun Warrior (South Africa) - they ship worldwide  f
   Hart Systems (RAD recoil absorption devices - thru .416 Barrett, .50 BMG custom)  f
   H-S Precision  f
   iota Outdoors  f
   Jason Avila (559-303-4975)  f
   JMS Tactical  f
   Joe West Rifle Stocks (UK) - currently does not ship to the US  f
   Kelbly (new site coming)
   KRG (Kinetic Research)  f
   LARS (Slovakia) - they ship to the US  f
   LimbSaver (recoil pads)  f
   Long Shot Precision (adjustable bag riders)  f
   Magpul   f
   Manners  f
   Master Class
   Masterpiece Arms/MPA  f
   MC3 Stocks/McCubed  f
   McMillan Stocks  f
   McRee Precision (see Accuracy Solutions/F.A.S.T. Chassis)
   MDT (Canada) - they ship to the US  f
   Mirage ULR  f
   MK Machining  f
   MPI Stocks  f
   Pachmayr/a Lyman company (recoil pads)  f
   PDC Custom  f
   PEAK 44  f
   Pendleton Composite Stocks
   Raven/KPYK (Ukraine) - they ship to the US  f
   Richards Microfit
   Rottigni Officina MEccanica Srl/ROME (Italy) - they sell direct
   Stagecoach/Grind (recoil pads)  f
   Stocky’s  f
   Wheeler Accuracy
   XLR Industries  f

Suppressors (for .338 LM class - unless noted otherwise)
   AB Suppressors   f
   Anechoic (was Alpha Silencer)  f
   Anzio (also .50 BMG plus custom in all calibers)
   Ase Utra (Finland)(also .375 and .50 BMG) - US distribution unknown  f
   A-TEC (Norway)(also .375 and .458) - US distribution unknown  f
   AWC (also .50 BMG)  f
   B&T AG (Switzerland) (also .50 BMG)  f
   Barrett (also .50 BMG)  f
   Black Ops Suppression Systems/BOSS  f
   Cadex Defence (Canada)(also .375/.408 and .50 BMG; NOT exported to the US)  f
   CGS Group (also .50 BMG)  f
   Dead Air  f
   Diligent Defense  f
   Dillon Rifle Company/DRC (.50 BMG only)  f
   Elite Iron (thru .50 BMG)  f
   FPM Gunworks (.375)  f
   Freyr & Devik (Norway) - US distribution unknown  f  
   Griffin Armament  f
   GSL Technology (.375, .416, and .50 BMG are all build-to-order, call)  f  
   Hardy Rifle Engineering (NZ) - US distribution unknown  f  
   Huasken (Norway) - US distribution unknown
   Innovative Arms (also .50 BMG)  f
   Jet (thru .50 BMG)
   KGM Technologies (thru .50 BMG)
   Liberty Suppressors (application thru .50 BMG)  f
   Maxim Defense  f
   NEMO Arms  f
   Nosler  f
   Phoenix Weaponry (also .50 BMG)  f
   Radical Defense  f
   Richmond Tactical
   Rottigni Officina MEccanica Srl/ROME (Italy, for Victrix rifles thru .50 BMG) - sells direct but not thru their website, contact
   Rugged Suppressors  f
   SAS (also .50 BMG on special order)  f
   Savage Arms  f
   Shark Precision
   Shaw Armament/ThunderCan (thru .50 BMG)  f
   Silencer Central  f
   SilencerCo  f
   Silencer Tech  f
   SRT Arms
   Stealth Project
   SureFire  f
   Svemko (Norway) - US distribution unknown
   TBA Suppressors  f
   Thunder Beast (also .50 BMG)  f
   TiON (formerly Freedom Armory)  f
   VOERE Präzisionstechnik GmbH (Austria, thru .50 BMG) - order direct  f  
   Yankee Hill Manufacturing/YHM  f

Surface Coatings & Nitriding
   Cerakote (exterior coatings)  f
   DuraCoat Firearm Finishes (exterior coatings)
   KG Industries (Gun Kote and other exterior coating products)  f
   Ionbond (Diamond Like Carbon/DLC exterior coating)
   Nitriding (ISONITE QPQ, salt bath, interior and exterior surface treating) - H&M and Parker Trutec   

   Bix‘n Andy (Austria) - available in the US at least here  and here  f
   Cadex Defense (Canada)  f
   David Tubb (.50 BMG model)  f
   Elftmann Tactical   f
   Flavio Fare (Italy) - US sales POSSIBLY thru Bruno  f
   Huber   f
   Hiperfire  f
   JARD   f
   Rifle Basix  f
   RISE Armament  f
   Shilen  f
   SIDHE (Italy) - US resellers here and here
   Timney  f
   TriggerTech (including for the AR-50)  f
   VOERE Präzisionstechnik GmbH (Austria) - order direct  f  
   X-Treme Shooting Products/XTSP (CG triggers)  f
               ELR Resources