Products - Reloading Equipment
     f   = Facebook links (currently, or semi-currently, maintained sites only)

   Accuracy One (concentricity gauge and primer seating gauge)
   Anneal-Rite (“Ultimate Cartridge Check System” - to check various dimensions, TIRs)
   Bruno’s concentricity gauge
   CH Tool & Die “caliber” list (actually a chambering list) - find the shell holder for your parent case and then search on it (“name” drop down) to find wildcats and variants to fit the same bolt face
   David Tubb’s “NoseRing(R)” tool license (max .33 caliber)
   Double Alpha Academy (primer tube filling equipment)
   Giraud - case and bullet comparator gauge (versions for 338 LM and .50 BMG)
   Hornady - bullet comparator body, (aluminum) inserts  f
   JBM - bullet lengths
   JBM - calculators (trajectory, stability, etc.)
   NECO cartridge alignment tool, concentricity, wall thickness and runout gauge
   Recreational Software, Inc./RSI (“Pressure Trace II” rifle chamber pressure tester - company is gone/owner retired, link is for parts, may be able to assist further)
   Redding case neck thickness gauge, “Instant Indicator Headspace and Bullet Comparator”, and “Slant Bed Concentricity Gauge
   Short Action Customs (ammo & bullet comparator bodies and inserts)  f
   Sinclair (stainless steel bullet comparator inserts)  f
   Whidden (case gauge for .338 LM, also customs)  f
   Wilson (case gauges, associated videos)    

Bullet Coating and Prep
   F-class Products (meplat trimming and bullet tipping system)
   Hex Boron Nitride (hBN) - Lower Friction and TAI (not on their website, e-mail Tom at
   Hoover (bullet tipping die and meplat trimmer)
   Moly (Molybdenum Disulfide) - Lower Friction and NECO
   Whidden Gunworks (bullet pointing dies, .338 caliber ongoing, .375 until sold out)  f

Case Prep
   21st Century Innovation  f
   AGS Custom (Serbia, annealers) - US dealers here  f
   Anneal-Rite (annealer)
   Annealing Made Perfect/AMP (New Zealand, induction annealer - direct sales)  f
   BENCH-SOURCE (annealer)
   CH Tool & Die
   Derraco Engineering (Australia, annealer, direct and US dealer)
   Dewey (CR Crocogator primer pocket cleaner)
   Dillon Precision  f  
   F-class Products (IDOD and AUTODOD - case neck turner)  f
   Fluxeon (“Annie” induction annealer)  f
   Forster  f
   Frankford Arsenal  f
   Giraud (annealer and trimmer)
   Henderson Precision (trimmers)  f
   Hornady  f
   K&M  f
   Little Crow Gunworks (trimmers)  f
   Lyman  f
   M2 Precision (primer pocket tool for .50 BMG)
   Mountain Forge (induction annealer)
   Pacific Tool & Gauge/PTG
   PMA Tool  f
   RCBS  f
   Sinclair (a Brownells company)  f
   Tempilaq (temp indicating liquid - for annealing)

Dies (also contact the cartridge designer, e.g., Allen)
   CH Tool & Die (thru .50 BMG, including custom w/ a long lead time)
   Dillon Precision (.50 BMG sizer/deprimer)  f
   Forster (.338 LM, .338 NM, .375 RUM. .375 CT, .375 Enabelr, .408 CT, and .50 BMG)  f
   Hornady (33 Nosler, .338 LM, .338 NM, .338-.378 Weatherby, .375 RUM, .378 Weatherby, and .50 BMG; also custom up to .50 BMG size plus hydraulic forming - scroll down)  f
   Lee (.338 LM, .416 Barrett, and .50 BMG)
   Lyman (.338 LM)  f
   M2 Precision (.50 BMG match)
   Newlon (.338 LM die blanks; call regarding possible die blanks for larger cartridges)
   RCBS (.338 LM, .338 NM, .338-.378 Weatherby, .375 RUM, .378 Weatherby, .416 Barrett, and .50 BMG; they no longer offer custom dies)  f
   Redding (.33 Nosler, .338 LM, .338 LM Improved 40 degree, .338 NM, .338-.378 Weatherby, .375 RUM, .378 Weatherby, and custom)
   Sinclair/Wilson (.338 LM arbor-press-style seater)  f
   Triebel (Germany, .338 LM, .375 & .408 CT, .375 RUM, .416 Barrett, .50 BMG, and 14.5x114 Russian) - sold internationally, some also available in the US here  f
   Warner Tool (custom thru .50 BMG)  f
   Whidden Gunworks (.338 Edge, .338 LM, .375 CT, and .408 CT)  f
   Wilson (.338 LM, NM, and XC bushing-type, full length sizer; .33 Nosler, .338 Edge, LM, and NM, and .375 and .408 arbor-press-style seaters - beyond Sinclair/Wilson)

Load Data (also contact the cartridge designer, e.g., Allen)
   Accurate and Ramshot (.338 LM and .375 RUM)  f
   ADI (.33 Nosler, .338 LM, .338-.378 Weatherby, .378 Weatherby, and .50 BMG)
   Alliant (.338 LM, .378 Weatherby, and .50 BMG)
   Explosia/LOVEX (Czechoslovakia, .338 LM and .50 BMG)  f
   Gordons Reloading Tool/GRT (Germany, FREE load development software/internal ballistic simulation - limited powder selections; semi-dormant due to passing of the developer)  f
   Hodgdon, IMR, Winchester (.33 Nosler, .338 LM, .338-.378 Weatherby, .375 RUM, .378 Weatherby, and .50 BMG)  f
   NobelSport/Vectan (.378 Weatherby and .50 BMG)
   Norma (.338 LM, .338 NM, .338-.378 Weatherby, .375 RUM, and .378 Weatherby)  f
   Reload Swiss/RS (Switzerland, .338 LM, .338 NM, and .50 BMG)
   VihtaVuori/Lapua (.338 LM and .50 BMG)  f  
   QuickDESIGN (cartridge design/mod software - load data into QuickLOAD)
   QuickLOAD (load development software)

   Bell and Carlson (aluminum loading blocks, .338 LM)  f
   Creedmoor Sports (loading blocks thru .50 BMG)  f
   Frankford Arsenal (loading blocks, .338 LM)  f
   Henderson Precision (aluminum loading blocks thru .50 BMG)  f
   Inline Fabrication (press stands)  f
   Lee (loading block/tray, .50 BMG)
   MTM - ammo boxes here and here (for .50 BMG-based ammo use the 12 ga box and replace the (2) 12 ga trays w/ (1) 10 ga tray)  f
   Reloading costs estimator (from Unlimited Reloader)

Presses (including CT and .50 BMG-capable, unless otherwise noted; may need top thread adapter bushing)
   Area 419 (no .50 BMG support; while there are 2 top plates available with 1 1/4-12 die locations, the opening height limits seating large ELR cartridges and their associated long bullets - scooping bullets in place may work for CT; RCBS shell holder #47 for CT)  f
   ATRS (Canada) - will export to the US  f
   CH Tool & Die (Rock Crusher for .50 BMG and larger; Champion for thru-CT) NOTE: Offers top adapter bushings for other mfg’s presses. Also see *, below.
   Clearwater Swiss Precision (Switzerland, press PDF) - will export to the US
   Corbin (Mega-Mite - does NOT include the stand; adjustable press stand)
   Creedmoor Sports (base press does NOT support ELR cartridges above .338 LM; select the “T-7 Adaptive Press” with 1 1/4-12 wedges for CT class - even then there is only marginal support due to the limited throat; use RCBS shell holder #47 for CT. Also see *, below.)  f
   Dillion Precision (BFR for thru-.50 BMG - stand shown is NOT included and is not available)  f
   Frankford Arsenal (no .50 BMG or large ELR cartridge support)  f
   Forster (XL press for thru-.50 BMG; also see *, below.)  f
   Hornady (.50 BMG press; use Classic press, 1 1/4-12 top thread, and RCBS shell holder #47 for CT; also see *, below.)  f
   K&M (arbor press w/option with force measurement - for bullet seating)  f
   Lee (Classic Cast press for thru-.50 BMG; use RCBS shell holder #47 for CT; has a 1 1/2-12-to 1 1/4-12 adapter; also see *, below)
   Lenzi (Italy) - they offer a 1 1/4-12 top thread model, available here, special order only - note that the throat is only 4.8”, which may require that, if you are loading a very long cartridge/bullets, you scoop bullets into the die and then lower it into the case, this is especially true for the .50 BMG, call re your combo; RCBS shell holder #47 for CT; also see *, below.)
   Lyman (no .50 BMG or large ELR cartridge support)  f  
   MEC (no .50 BMG; 1 1/4-12 top thread; use RCBS shell holder #47 for CT); also see *, below.)  f
   RCBS (Ammomaster-2 for .50 BMG; use Rebel, Rock Chucker Supreme, or Summit press, 1 1/4-12 top thread, and shell holder #47 for CT; also see *, below.)  f
   RCE, LLC (Walnut Hill-2 and -50 and their associated adapters; only the -50 supports .50 BMG loading; use RCBS shell holder #47 for CT)
   Redding (no .50 BMG; use Big Boss II or Ultramag press, 1 1/4-12 top thread, and RCBS shell holder #47 for CT; also see *, below, and see the “Creedmoor Sports T-7 Adaptive Press”, above, that adapts the Redding T-7 turret press to accept 1 1/4-12 dies)
   Short Action Custom (no .50 BMG or large ELR cartridge support)  f
   Talon Advanced (Italy, Extreme and new, truly, GIANT press) - will export to the US  f
   Turban (Germany, support for up to and including 14.5x114 Russian, up to 2.0” dies) - exports to the US
   Wilson (no .50 BMG or large ELR cartridge support)
   * NOTE - as best I know, ONLY Forster, Lee, and Triebel offer 1 1/4-12 threaded dies for .50 BMG cartridges, and only Whidden offers 1 1/2-12 dies for CT-based cartridges. That said, see CH Tool and Die and Lee, above, for a thread adapter/top bushing to go from a 1 1/2-12  press to 1 1/4-12 dies. Bottom line, consider which dies you want before selecting a press.

Priming Tools (unless otherwise noted, .50 BMG-based cartridges not supported)
   21st Century Innovation   f
   Derraco Engineering (Australia, direct and US dealer)
   Dillon Precision (.50 BMG-based cartridge cases only - here and here, 1 1/2-12 thread press required)  f
   Forster  f
   Hornady (.50 BMG-based cartridge cases supported w/ their .50 BMG press/kit)  f
   K&M  f
   Lyman   f
   M2 Precision (.50 BMG-based cartridge cases only, 1 1/2-12 thread press required)
   PMA Tool   f
   Primal Rights
   RCBS (.50 BMG-based cartridges supported w/ their .50 BMG press/kit)  f
   Sinclair  f

Scales/Balances/Powder Measures
   A&D Weighing (electronic)  f
   Creedmoor Sports (electronic)  f
   Frankford Arsenal (manual and electronic)  f
   Harrell’s Precision (manual, max 120 gr thrown charge)
   Hornady (manual & electronic, incl manual model w/ thrown charge of up to 265 gr)  f
   Ingenuity Precision (high-end auto trickler and metering system, not a scale/balance)  f
   LW Measurement (electronic)  f
   Lyman (manual and electronic)  f
   MacDonald Innovations/AutoTrickler (Canada; very high end auto trickler and dispensing system, not a scale/balance) - US dealer or ships to the US
   My Weigh (electronic)
   Ohaus (electronic)  f
   Prometheus (manual and electronic in the same unit)
   RCBS (manual and electronic)  f
   Redding (manual, max 140 gr thrown charge)
   Sartorius (Germany, electronic)  f
   Super Trickler (Denmark; very high end auto trickler and dispensing system, not a scale/balance) - ships to the US
   Alpha Loading Systems (thru 14.5x114 Russian)
   Ammo Load (.338 LM)
   Mark 7 (.338 LM)  f
   On the Mark (.338 LM, call for larger cartridges)  f
               ELR Resources