Information - Pubs, Articles, and Photos (with/of ELR content)
Accurate Shooter Bulletin (articles)
Ackley Improved Headspace info sheet (from Pacific Tool & Gauge/PTG)
Anthony (Tony) G. Williams (tons of info on and pics of large - 10mm and up, military cartridges; ammo data tables; glossary)
Applied Ballistics - Tall Tree Testing (of scope calibrations), article, video
Applied Ballistics - Articles
Articles by Daniel Lilja re 50 BMG
Cartridge case comparison/pic (375 CT thru 375-.50 BMG)
Cartridges for Long-Range Sniper Rifles (Williams) - incl 338 LM thru 50 BMG comparo pic
   Additional comparo pics - #1 (408CT thru 14.5x114), #2 (338 LM thru .50 BMG), #3 (50 BMG, Anzio 20/50, and 20mm Vulcan), #4 (50 BMG, 14.5x114 Russian, and 20mm Vulcan); #5 (.50 BMG and .50 cal variants)
Cutting Gun Case Foam (forum thread on - hosted by LaRue Tactical)
Designing and Forming Custom Cartridges for Rifles and Handguns (Ken Howell, 1995)
Jewell trigger “users’ manual”
Lapua - “The Story of the .338 Lapua Magnum”, Part 1, Part 2
Long Range Pursuit (articles), presented by Gunwerks (YouTube)
NBRSA Precision Rifleman (eZine - January 2012 - December 2022)
Paul Mulcahy’s Pages (articles - anti-material rifles, sniper rifles)
Picatinny rail spec (MIL-STD-1913) (base and change notice 1)
P.O. Ackley’s Wildcats (Rob Lucas, article)
Precision Rifle Blog (articles)
Primal Rights (articles) - including Rifle Sighting Systems: SFP vs FFP by Greg Dykstra, Part 3 of a 4-part series
Sniper Central (articles)  f
Tactical Life (magazines/articles)
Target Shooter Magazine (UK, articles)  f
Ultimate Reloader (equipment reviews and comparisons)  f

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