Ammo (commercially-available loaded ammo, 338 LM or other ELR cartridges) NOTE: The quality of and the reliability of data for “commercially” loaded ammo may vary substantially. Proceed with caution. f = Facebook links (currently, or semi-currently, maintained sites only) Ammo Matrixes (6 Dec 2024) - comparative, with a separate tab for each cartridge; muzzle energy (ME) may be calculated if missing or wrong on supplier’s spec. Changes since last update in light green. NOTE: This file is in xls format. A FREE reader is available here. The contents were compiled from manufacturers’ and/or resellers’ websites. AAA Arms & Ammo(.460 Steyr and .50 BMG) Barnes (.338 LM) f Barrett (.416 Barrett and .50 BMG) f Berger (.338 LM - .338 NM in the Spring of 2025) f Black Hills (.338 LM and .338 NM) f CheyTac (.375 and .408 CT) f COR®BON (.338 LM) Desert Tech (.338 LM, .375 CT, .408 CT, and .50 BMG) DoubleTap (.338 LM, .375 RUM, and .50 BMG) f Elbit Systems (Isreal, .338 LM and .50 BMG) Federal (.338 LM) f Fiocchi (.338 LM) f Fort Scott Munitions (.338 LM) f Freedom Munitions (.338 LM and .50 BMG) f Hornady (.338 LM and .50 BMG) f HSM (.338 LM, .338 NM, .338-378 Weatherby, .375 CT, .375 RUM, .408 CT, .50 BMG; list) f Lapua (Finland, .338 LM) f Lazzeroni (all Lazzeroni cartridges, will not ship to California) f Norma USA (.338 LM and .338 NM) f Nosler (.33 Nosler and .338 LM) f PMC (S. Korea, .50 BMG) f Prvi Partizan/PPU (Serbia, .338 LM and .50 BMG) - US resellers here plus Graf Swiss P (Switzerland; .338 LM and .375 Swiss P) f Sako (Finland, .338 LM) - multiple US resellers f Sax Munitions (Germany, .338 LM, .408 CT and .50 BMG) - no known US distributor f Sellier & Bellot (Czech Republic, .338 LM) - in the US thru Magtech Southern Ballistic Research/SBR (.338 LM, .375 CT, .408 CT, .50 BMG) Swift Bullet Company (.338 LM) f Thunder Ammo (.338 LM, .416 Barrett, and .50 BMG) f TulAmmo (Russia, .50 BMG and 12.7x108, both brass case and Berden primed) - US distribution continues Weatherby (all Weatherby cartridges) f Winchester (.338 LM) f Wolf (12.7x108 Russian, bimetal case, Berden primed) Brass (also contact cartridge “designer” listed on Cartridges page) Cartridge Legend: (1) 338 LM (2) 375 CT (3) 408 CT (4) 416 Barrett (5) 50 BMG (6) Other listed on Cartridges page, plus others AAA Arms & Ammo [6 - .460 Steyr formed from .50 BMG Winchester brass and primed] Atlas Development Group/ADG [1,6 - .338 Edge, and .375 RUM] f Barrett [4,5- call; also possibly some once-fired] f Bertram (Australia) - no factory website or FB page (US resellers is Bertram Brass USA, not their company, which is ending importation) [1,2,3,6 - availability varies, MAY include .338 Edge, .338 NM, .375 Hellfire, .375 RUM, .416 Hellfire, .416 Vestal, and .458 Vestal] Combat Disabled Veterans Surplus/CDVS [5,6 - 12.7 Russian, 14.5mm Russian, 20mm Hispano, and 20mm Vulcan including bushed w/ 50 BMG primer] f DAG (the military head stamp for RWS, see below) [5] Ed Hubel - 585HE at, 989-644-5228 [6 - .375 Hubel Express/.375 HE] Hornady [1,5] f Horneber (Germany) - no known US source [1,3] Lake City (Olin Winchester, LLC) [5] - no known sources of current production LC; please advise otherwise Lapua [1, 6 - .338 NM] f Lazzeroni [6 - 8.59/338 Titan, 9.53/375 Saturn] f Norma [1,6 - 338 Norma Magnum, 338-378 & 378 Weatherby] f Nosler [1,6 - 33 Nosler] f Peterson Cartridge Co [1,2,3,6 -33 Nosler, 33XC, 338 NM, and 375 EnABELR] f Prvi Partizan/PPU (Serbia) [1,5] - US resellers here plus Graf Quality Cartridge [6 - 338-378 Weatherby, 338 Excalibur, and 378 Weatherby] RWS (worldwide) [4RUAG branded available here, 5 MAY be available here] f Warner Tool/WTC (“custom” - modification of parent cases, video) f Weatherby [6 - .338-.378 and .378 Weatherby] f Bullets (commercially-available, for .338 LM or other ELR cartridges) Bullets Matrixes (6 Dec 2024) - comparative; separate tabs for 338, 375, 408-458, and 510; changes since last update in light green. NOTE: This file is in xls format. A FREE reader is available here. The contents were compiled from manufacturers’ websites. AAA Arms & Ammo (Harlow - .460) Accurate Bullet Company (Canada, .338, .375, .408, and .50 cal) - they export to the US Axe Bullets (South Africa, .338 and .375) - no known US distributor f Barnes (.338, .375, .416, .458, and .50 cal) f Berger (.338 and .375) f Chinchaga (Canada, .338 and .375) - they export to the US f Clearwater Swiss Precision (Switzerland, .375, .408, .416, .458, and .50 cal) - will export to the US Corbin (aluminum, very pointed, tips for .338 thru .50 cal bullets --article) Cutting Edge Bullets/CEB (.338, .375, .408, .416, .458, and .50 cal) f Dynamic Research (Predator - .338, .375, .408, .416, .458, and .50 cal) - call Steve at (406) 529-6819 Fort Scott Munitions (.338) GSR Precision (Canada, .50 cal) -reseller (who exports to the US) Hammer Bullets (.338, .375, .416, and .458) Hasler Bullets (Italy, .338, .375, .408, and .416) - no known US distributor Hornady (.338, .375, .416, and .50 cal) f Lapua (Finland, .338) f Lehigh Defense (.50 cal only) LFB (Germany, .338, .375, .408, and .50 cal) - no known US distributor Norma (.338) f Nosler (.338 and .375) f Outer Edge Projectiles (Australia, .338, .375, .460, and .50 cal) - no known US distributor f Parker Productions (the new Rocky Mountain Bullets; .338, .375, .408, .416, and .50 cal) f Peregrine (South Africa, .338, .375, .408, .416, & .50 cal) - direct sales to the US may be possible, contact via e-mail f Prvi Partizan/PPU (Serbia, .338 and .50 cal) - US resellers here plus Graf Quality Cartridge (.338, .375, .408, and .510) - available at Graf Outer Edge Projectiles (Australia, .338, .375, .458, and .50 cal) - no known US distributor f Sax Munitions (Germany, .338, .408, and .50 cal) - no known US distributor f Sierra (.338 and .375) f Styria Arms (Austria, .338, .375, .408, .416, and .50 cal) -product line PDF, no US distributor but they are willing to export to the US [site is in German] TenX Accuracy (.50 cal only) Thunder Ammo (.460 and .50 cal) f TPM (France) (.338, .375, .408, and .416) f Warner Tool (.338, .375, and .416) (load data) f WindCut Bullets (Italy, .338, .375, .408, .416, .458, and .50 cal) - order direct f Woodleigh (Australia, .338, .375, .408, .416, and .50 cal) - no known US distributor Powders Accuratef ADI (Australia) - no known US resellers Alliant Explosia/LOVEX (Czechoslovakia) - no known US resellers for ELR-appropriate powders f Hodgdonf IMRf NobelSport/Vectan (France) - no known US resellers for ELR-appropriate powders Norma (Sweden) f Powder relative burn charts -1, 2, 3 Ramshotf Reload Swiss (Switzerland) - no known US resellers Shooters Worldf St Marks Powder/General Dynamics (no branded products for consumers - OEM source for several majors) VihtaVuori (Finland) f Winchesterf Primers CCI (including .50 BMG) f Federalf Murom (Russia - including 6.53mm 338 LM and .50 BMG; also 12.7 and 14.5 Berden) - home page gone; search for US resellers RWS (Switzerland; only .50 BMG in the US - reliable importer/reseller here) f UNIS GINEX (Bosnia & Herzegovina, including 6.53mm .338 LM , .50 BMG, and 12.7x108 Russian) Winchesterf Wolf (manufactured in Russia)